Follow my orders
else I'll start to ache
Threats my back gave.
I rubbished them
I ignored them
Now its me who suffer.
I'm a bencher
I sit always
On bench but on the chair.
Tyre grows daily
Eyes are strained
All days are bad hair.
I'm not happy
I cant say
coz there is no ear to hear.
For Them I work
I'm a hero.
I say to get them near.
Only a few
Get a chance
Luckily I'm one.
One of the
ten millions I'm.
& My mom's lucky son.
Big short names
Huge clean frames
There is a fact absurd.
Its name game
With some lame fame
In this Illusioned world.
Just a graduate
I was
Unwaged Underdog
What hoaxed them
to let me in
is a mystery yet unsolved.
They were hoaxed
or it was me
doesnt matter anyway.
Hoaxed, ofcourse
millions are
but all are not strays.
life is
Clearly now I know.
I'm a techie
A bit more lucky
Is a myth most echoed.
Working for a year
and two
I realise I'm gettin old.
Old enough for
them to think
My skills cant be sold.
Old enough for
my back to warn me
I'll start to ache.
Being old
is no pleasure
having cut just 23 cakes.
Mind it
Oh mankind
Techies dont earn much.
Nor they have
a happy life
and have nothin nonesuch.