Monday 20 August 2018

I am All!

All along and always
The song of life I sing
To be alive and be present
to be the sound of being

I am big, so big I say
I say and so it is
My thoughts are facts and artifacts
Its true and not a quiz

So often they think so
But only of themselves
That they are kings and knights and queens
And we are jacks and elves

But why don’t they understand
its me who is the king
I am all alive and all present
Indeed the sound of being

Its all always me I think 
and all around is my work
All is me and I am all
An expert and a jerk

What would happen if I stop
Would the life wait?
So silly for me to think
That I can’t own my fate

Enough of this play of words
and praises of my zing
I thought I was all alive and all present
But that is not the thing

I always thought I am biggest
And so damn sure I was
It feels so great to think so great
But the laws for self applause

I am but a pin in a sea 
A sea of seas of souls
How can I be so big
playing just a few roles

All illusion, self-delusion
And so now I realize
All are me and I am for all
So small it feels to despise

Now all along and always
The song of life I will sing
To be alive and be present
For every sound of being